Emotional Memory
Stanislavski believed that rather than simply acting out an emotion, there was a way of drawing on a memory that is similar in detail or feeling to their characters situation. By doing this, the actor has a better connection to their role and therefore it seems more real. The first thing to do in trying to recall an emotion is to strip away all your current feelings, which could affect your emotional memory and alter the moment that you are trying to recall. To do this we first began to walk around the space, focussing on each other so that we could find a way of slowing down all at the time. This moved our concentration away from our own thoughts and towards simple actions, helping to make our minds blank. The next step was to relax our bodies. We lay on the floor in order to remove movement so that we could focus on getting rid of the tension in our bodies, breathing in a controlled way as we did so in order to continue to slow our thoughts. The aim of this was to put ourselves...