The Storyline

One of the most difficult things for me in regards to Tupolski’s role is that as the “No 1” he tends to lead the direction of the play. This means that all major shifts of content, particularly in the first act, rely on me knowing exactly what will happen next. However, I have been struggling to do this because of the random nature of some of the shifts. It was suggested that I should try to make connections for Tupolski’s train of thought between one section of the play and another.

End of Katurian’s speech to the introduction of the form

Tupolski is hinting to Katurian that he was unconvinced by his speech and that he won’t be able to untangle himself from the investigation so easily

Ripping up the form to the Little Apple Men

Katurian is confused. Tupolski can use this confusion to aid his investigation as it is perhaps more likely that Katurian will give away information in this state. The stories could be a part of “Theme Development”- REID

“I give you my word” to Three Gibbet Crossroads

The introduction of the three Gibbet Crossroads could be a way for Tupolski to throw Katurian off. By switching to a story which does not have immediate connections to the investigation, it is preventing Katurian from understanding what is happening- so he cannot form a cohesive argument. “Stopping Denials”-REID

“Right to be nervous” back to Three Gibbet Crossroads

Once again, Tupolski is preventing Katurian from thinking too long over the meaning of “right to be nervous.”

End of Katurian’s explanation- “This reminds me”

Katurian has just finished explaining the Tale of the Town on the River to Tupolski. The second boy who was killed had his toes cut off and Tupolski found a box of toes in Katurian’s house which he will now reveal.


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