Dress Rehearsal

I felt very positive about this rehearsal. There were some big errors concerning props, so that is something it will be important to check and practice with. However, I felt that the run through was smooth and there was only a few line slips which we were able to deal with without coming out of role. I was particularly pleased with my reactions and intonation. I believe that the time away from drama helped because it allowed me to get out of the rut of saying the lines exactly the same way each time and to experiment with something new. This made it more watchable for the audience.

Here are some notes from the rehearsal:

·         Moving my feet around while sat down. I think this was a result of working in costume for the first time. My shoes were easy to slip on and off and my focus was dipping which made me fidget. I need to make sure that my focus is at 100% throughout the play.

·         Share the Applemen story with the audience. Because the audience don’t know the story, it is important that I be defined with my actions and present them out to the audience. If I can try and imagine that I am really seeing these things it will be easier to understand but the story will also be more immersive.

·         Practice with the holster. I had some trouble getting the gun in the holster. I’ll need to practice with this.

·         I was aiming too far away from Megan’s head with the gun. With the blanks it is safe to point it closer.

·         Play about with twisting the gun into Megan’s head. This will make me appear more threatening

·         Emphasis on six people. At the start of the third act we learn that Katurian is confessing to the murder of six people. These other three are her brother, and her parents. This emphasis is in part mockery- she has killed her brother while being in a holding cell, adding another death to the accusations against her- and part threat, as Tupolski still doesn’t know who the other two people are.


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